World History 1930- 1931


Five Year Plan in Soviet Union, Warlord Era Ends, Kellogg-Brand Pact, Women To Fly Across Atlantic, Amelia Earhart, Flight From San Francisco To Australia, Stalin Enforces "Forced Collectivization", Rioting in Palestine, Stock Market Crash, Settlement of Tacna Arica Question

1930 Nazis Win 107 Seats In Parliament -(9/14/30) The Nazi Party won 107 seats in the election for the German Reichstag. The party became the second largest in Germany.
1930 London Naval Accord -(4/22/30) Great Britain, the United States and Japan signed a naval pact that limited the number of capital ships each could have.
1930 Gandhi Leads Revolt in India -(4/14/31) In January 1930, Spanish dictator Primo de Riverra, who had been supported by the Spanish King, resigned. Agitation then increased for the restoration of the Constitution. In April 1931, King Alfonso left Spain without abdicating. In June, elections were held which gave the Republican-Socialist majority a commanding victory. A new constitution was adopted that provided for universal suffrage and complete separation of Church and State.
1930 Chiang Kai-shek Attacks Communists -Chiang Kai-Shek began the first of five military campaigns against the Communists. In the first campaign, he moved against Communists in southern Kiangsi and in parts of Fukein and Hunan provinces.
1930 Hawley-Smoot Tariff -(6/17/30) This tariff called for raising the rate of tariff to as high as 49%. Its supporters felt this would help fight the Depression. In fact, it helped to ensure the length and depth of the Depression.
1930 Peruvian President Ousted -A rebellion broke out in Southern Peru in August. As a result, Peruvian President Ausgusto Leguioa was forced to resign.
1930 Revolt in Brazil -(11/3/30) After Conservative Julio Prestes was elected President, a revolt broke out in the Southern provinces of Brazil. The revolt was led by Getulio Vargas, the governor of Rio Grande del Sol. Vargas became President.
1930 Cyclotron Invented -The Cyclotron, otherwise known as the atom smasher, was invented by Ernest Lawrence, an American physicist at the University of California at Berkely. The particle accelerator, as it was also known, allowed advanced research in the areas of biology and physics. In 1939, Lawrence received the Nobel Prize for Physics for his work.
1930 Flash Bulb Introduced-The General Electric Company introduced the flash bulb for taking photos. This allowed for photographs to be taken in low light. The flash bulb replaced the powder flash.


1931 2nd Spanish Republic -(4/14/31) In January 1930, Spanish dictator Primo de Riverra, who had been supported by the Spanish King, resigned. Agitation then increased for the restoration of the Constitution. In April 1931, King Alfonso left Spain without abdicating. In June, elections were held which gave the Republican-Socialist majority a commanding victory. A new constitution was adopted that provided for universal suffrage and complete separation of Church and State.
1931 Empire State Building Opened - (5/1/31)The Empire State building in New York, the largest building in the world, opened for the public. The building is 102 stories and 1,250 feet high.
1931 Wiley Post Sets New Round-The-World Record -(7/1/31)On July 1st, Wiley Post completed a flight around the world. The flight lasted 8 days and 15 hours. Wiley flew a Lockheed Vega Monoplane, the "Winnie Mae." Wiley left Roosevelt Field on June 23rd. His first stop was at Harbor Grace, Newfoundland. He also stopped in Chester, England; Hanover and Berlin, Germany; Moscow, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Blagoveshchensk and Khabarovsk, all in the Soviet Union; Nome, Alaska; and Edmonton, Canada. He then flew to Cleveland, and back to New York.
1931 Japanese Attack Manuchuria -(9/18/31) On September 18th, in violation of all its treaty obligations, Japan occupied Manchuria, in northeast China. It was to be the first step on the path to World War II. American reaction to the aggression came in the form of the Stimson Doctrine. This document stated that the United States would not recognize any treaty that impinged on the sovereignty of China.