5 May
Commander, Helicopter Antisubmarine Light
Wing, U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMHSLWINGPAC) was es-
tablished in a ceremony at NAS North Island, Calif.;
Captain John R. Brown was the first commander of the
new type wing.
6 May
Lieutenant Commander Kathryn P. Hire, a
Naval Reservist, was selected to be assigned to VP-62.
She was the Navy's first woman to become eligible to
compete for assignments in aircraft engaged in combat
7 May
Speaking to aviators at the seventh annual
Naval Aviation Symposium in Pensacola, Fla., Vice
Admiral Ronald 1. Zlatoper, Chief of Naval
Personnel, outlined the Navy's plan to open new op-
portunities for women. The first squadron expected
to be assigned women was VAQ-130. CVW-3, em-
barked on
Dwight D. Eisenhower
and CVW-l1 on
Abraham Lincoln
were also scheduled to be as-
signed women.
17 May
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General
Colin Powell, approved the Armed Forces Expeditionary
Medal for Operation Restore Hope veterans.
1 June
Commander, Strike Fighter Wing, Pacific,
changed from a flag-level functional wing to a type
wing, as part of the ongoing reorganization of the
wings in the Pacific Fleet.
8 June
Commander, Patrol Wing 2 (COMPATWING),
was disestablished after 56 years of service.
11 June
Ground breaking took place at NAS
Patuxent River, Md., for the new Aircraft Technology
26 June
U.S. Navy surface vessels launched a suc-
cessful strike on the Iraqi Intelligence Service head-
quarters building in Baghdad. The action was in re-
sponse to Iraq's attempt on former President George
H. W. Bush's life while on a visit to Kuwait in April.
Theodore Roosevelt
Arleigh Burke
(DDG 51) were
dispatched to the Red Sea to reinforce the area.
14 July
Secretary of Defense Les Aspin approved an
order directing U.S. aircraft to deploy and join NATO's
planned air support to the UN protection force in
Bosnia. In response to this order,
Theodore Roosevelt
returned to the Mediterranean in support of Operation
Deny Flight-the enforcement of the "no-fly zone"
over Bosnia-Herzegovina.
11 August
deployed from Norfolk, Va., to
Theodore Roosevelt
in Operation Deny Flight
missions over Bosnia-Herzegovina.
17 August
A VAQ-209 Starwarriors' EA-6B and VP-60
Cobras' P-3 conducted the first successful over-the-hori-
zon HARM and Harpoon War-at-Sea strike using target-
ing data from space delivered directly to the cockpit.
1 September
The Clinton Administration unveiled a
new plan for cutting the armed forces based on the
Bush Administration's doctrine that the United States
should be prepared to fight two simultaneous major
regional conflicts and one low intensity conflict. The
plan called for 11 battle groups and one carrier to
serve as both a reserve and training carrier. The Bush
plan had called for 12 battle groups.
3 September
achieved initial operating ca-
pability for the Navy with CVW-l1 aboard
9 September
NAS Jacksonville, Fla., VP-30 merged
with VP-31 based at Moffett Field, Calif., to form the
Navy's largest aviation squadron. The consolidation
was the result of the military's downsizing. It enabled
the Navy to train all P-3 aircraft crews in Jacksonville.
The Navy's first "supercarrier"
was decommissioned at Pier 6E at the
Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, Pa.
was the first
carrier designed and built to land jet powered aircraft.
The NAVCAD program was disestab-
lished. The program was begun during World War II,
and initially called the V-5 and then the V-12 program.
It was disestablished in 1966, but later reinstated in
1986 to help train more pilots for the planned 600-ship
U.S. Atlantic Command (USACOM) be-
came responsible for joint training and deploying of all
continental U.S.-based forces. This merged the Army's
Forces Command (FORSCOM), the Navy's Atlantic
Fleet, the Air Force's Air Combat Command (ACC) and
the Marine Forces Atlantic into a single combat com-
mand. The Atlantic Command would support all U.S.
involvement in UN peacekeeping operations and re-
spond to natural disasters within the United States. The
command would also plan for the land defense of the
United States.
The Naval Training Systems Center, Orlando,
Fla., was redesignated the Naval Air Warfare Center,
Training Systems Division, with no change of mission.
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