1993-Contin ued
An SH-60B flies past Rushmore (LSD 47) off the coast of Somalia en
route to Tripoli.
Marines prepared to embark a waiting CH-46E helo on Tripoli dur-
ing early hours of Operation Restore Hope.
12 April NATO officials in conjunction with the UN
began the enforcement of a "no-fly zone" over Bosnia-
Herzegovina, known as Operation Deny Flight. NATO
had proposed the "no-fly zone" to the UN Security
Council, who passed Resolution 802. Twelve F/A-18
Hornet strike-fighter aircraft from CVW-8 embarked on
Theodore Roosevelt were transferred to NATO in sup-
port of the operation. Other aircraft and ships from
Theodore Roosevelt's battle group provided support.
The Mediterranean ARG emarked on Saipan provided
SAR/TRAP duties.
22 April A VAQ-209 Starwarriors' EA-6B fired the first
successful over-the-horizon HARM Missile using target-
ing data from space delivered directly to the cockpit.
26 April VC-6 carried out the first launch of a Pioneer
UAV from an amphibious vessel, Denver (LPD 9). VC-6
Det 2, NAS Patuxent River, Md., made the launch.
28 April Secretary of Defense Les Aspin lifted the
ban on combat flights for women and opened up ad-
ditional ships to women. Secretary Aspin further stated
that he would forward a draft proposal to Congress,
which would remove the last legislative barrier to the
assignment of women to combat vessels. The CNO,
Admiral Frank B. Kelso II, concurred.
29 April Following the Secretary of Defence's deci-
sion to expand combat roles for women, CNO Admiral
Frank B. Kelso II, opened six enlisted Naval Aviation
ratings to women: Aviation Antisubmarine Warfare
Operator (AW), Electronic Warfare Technician (EW),
Fire Controlman (FC), Gas Turbine Technician (GS),
Gas Turbine Technician-Electrical (GSE), and Gas
Turbine Technical-Mechanical (GSM).
A Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle aboard Essex for