1979-Contin ued
3 December
Kitty Hawk
and her escort ships arrived
on station in the northern Arabian Sea for contingency
operations during the Iranian hostage crisis. This was
the first time since World War II that the U.S. Navy had
two carrier task forces in the Indian Ocean in
response to a crisis situation.
12 December
The development program for the
LAMPS MK III SH-60B Seahawk helicopter reached a
major milestone when the aircraft completed its first
flight at the Sikorsky test facility in West Palm
17 December
The first two-seater F/ A-18 Hornet
arrived at NATC Patuxent River, Md., for armament
and stores separation testing. During 1979 NATC had
conducted 416 flights in the F/A-18 for a total of 555
hours testing the new fighter/attack plane. On 12
December NATC completed a successful live firing of
a Sidewinder missile from the F/A-18.
21 December
The Defense Department announced
a three-ship nuclear-powered carrier battle group from
the Sixth Fleet would deploy to the Indian Ocean to
relieve the Seventh Fleet carrier battle group led by
Kitty Hawk.
The Sixth Fleet carrier battle group con-
sisted of the nuclear-powered
and her nuclear-
powered escort ships.
24 December
A massive Soviet airlift of 5,000
Russian airborne troops and equipment into the
Afghanistan capital of Kabul was conducted. The U.S.
protested the large influx of Soviet troops which the
Soviet Union claimed were there at the request of the
Afghanistan government. On 27 December, a Soviet-
backed coup installed a new president in Afghanistan.
Two carrier task forces centering around
Kitty Hawk
continued contingency operations in the
northern Arabian
31 December
During 1979, Navy carrier forces
responded to five crisis situations around the world.
The following carriers responded for contingency
responded to the crisis which
involved North and South Yemen;
during the Nicaraguan turmoil;
was involved
in the response to Russian combat troops in Cuba;
Kitty Hawk
responded to the alert in Korea; and
Kitty Hawk
conducted contingency opera-
tions during the Iranian hostage crisis.
31 December
Navy surface and aviation forces
of the Seventh Fleet continued their patrols and rescue
assistance efforts connected with the Vietnamese boat
people following the President's order in July. During
the last six months of 1979, Navy ships embarked over
800 Vietnamese refugees. Vietnamese refugees picked
up by merchant vessels with the aid of P-3 patrol air-
craft totaled over 1,000.
1 January
Kitty Hawk
continued on
contingency operations in the Arabian Sea in response
to 53 Americans held hostage at the American
Embassy in Teheran, Iran, since 4 November 1979.
1 January
VP-23 deployed from Keflavik, Iceland, to
Diego Garcia and made its first operational flight out
of the Indian Ocean base within ten days after receiv-
ing orders, thereby demonstrating its rapid deploy-
ment capability.
2 January
A detachment of P-3B Orions of VP-lO,
deployed at Rota, Spain, flew photoreconnaissance
missions to locate areas damaged in an earthquake
which struck the Azores the day before, killing some
50 persons and injuring another 500.
rendezvoused with her nuclear-
powered escort ships in the Mediterranean and head-
ed to the Indian Ocean via Africa's Cape of Good
Hope to relieve
Kitty Hawk
which was on contingency
duty. This left
the only carrier with the Sixth
Fleet, in the Med.
The first TA-7C Corsair II assigned to the
Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, Calif., was test
7 January
Reconnaissance Attack Wing One was
disestablished. The wing had consisted of nine fleet
squadrons, one training squadron and a support com-
mand which had provided tactical reconnaissance for
Navy carrier deployments. The phaseout coincided
with the final retirement from the fleet of all RA-5C
Vigilantes on 20 November 1979 and the disestablish-
ment of the last RVAH squadron on 28 September
22 January
and her escort ships joined
Kitty Hawk
and their escort ships on sta-
tion in the Arabian Sea. The following day
Kitty Hawk
departed for Subic Bay, R.P., having spent 64 days in
operations connected with the Iranian crisis.
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