Raritan II WYT-93
Raritan II
(WYT-93: dp. 370; 1. 110'; b. 27'; dr. 11'; s. 11.2 k.)
Raritan, a harbor tug built for the Coast Guard by Defoe Boat Works, Bay City, Mieh., was launched 23 March 1939. After commissioning, the ship was assigned harbor duties at Boston, Mass.
Executive Order 8929 of 1 November 1941 transferred the entire Coast Guard to the Navy~ Raritan continued duty in the Boston Harbor area through the end of the war. After the Coast Guard was returned to the Treasury Department on 1 January 1946 in accordance with Executive Order 9666, the tug continued to operate in Boston Harbor. She subsequently was transferred to Portsmouth, Va., and in 1962 she was assigned to the Great Lakes.