Positive AMc-95
(AMc-95: dp. 228 (f.); 1. 97'1", b. 22'; dr. 9'1", s. 10 k., cpl.
17; a. 2 .50 eel. mg., 4 .30 eel. mg.; cl. Acme)
Poeitive (AMc-95) was laid down 7 June 1941 by the Noank Shipbuilding Co., Noank, Conn., Iaunehed 7 March 1942 sponsored by Miss Elizabeth W. Dunn; and placed in service 20 August 1942.
After shakedown, Positive departed Miami, Fla., 19 February 1943, for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. After performing minesweeping duty for the Naval Operating Base at Guantanamo from March 1943 to January 1945, she departed Guantanamo 21 January for San Juan, P.R. Upon completion of duty, she arrived at Charleston, S.C., 7 September.
Positive was placed out of service 12 November 1945, and struck from the Naval Vessel Register 8 May 1946. She was delivered for disposal to the Maritime Commission, Charleston, S.C., 7 November 1946.