1905 Sun Yat-sen Founds Union


Sun Yat-sen was the leader of the Chinese Nationalists. He issued the San Min Chu I. The San Min Chu were a series of three principals calling for nationalism, democracy, and livelihood for the people of China.

Born in 1866 in Guangdong Province, Sun Yat-sen grew up during a period of great turmoil and change in China. As the Qing Dynasty faced internal strife and external pressures from Western powers, Sun became determined to overthrow the imperial system and establish a modern, democratic government in China. After several failed attempts at sparking rebellion, Sun eventually founded the Chinese Nationalist Party in 1912, which aimed to unite various anti-Qing factions and drive forward the revolutionary cause.

The San Min Chu I: Three Principles of the People

In response to the challenges facing China, Sun Yat-sen formulated the San Min Chu I as a guiding philosophy for the nation's transformation. The three principles encompassed the following ideas:

  1. Nationalism: Sun believed that Chinese people needed to develop a strong sense of national identity and pride in order to resist foreign domination and achieve self-determination. This principle called for the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty and the unification of China under a single, centralized government.

  2. Democracy: In order to create a stable and prosperous society, Sun argued that China needed to adopt a democratic system of government, with power vested in the people. He envisioned a government based on the separation of powers, with a constitution that guaranteed individual rights and liberties.

  3. Livelihood: Sun recognized that the vast majority of China's population lived in poverty and that addressing this issue was essential for the nation's progress. The principle of livelihood called for social and economic reforms, including land redistribution, modernization of agriculture and industry, and the establishment of social welfare programs.