5 Books to Read if You're a History Student


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A lot of students choose History as their major. It is not strange due to the interest that this subject causes among the young generation. History appears to be one of the most important disciplines to study as the present is the result of the past and it influences the development of society in the future. The vastness of history cannot be covered in one textbook that will explain all the details and events the same way as it was exactly going on. It is not possible to outline the whole history of the specific area or era in one book. In this article, you can find the shortlist of the best five books to read if you are a history student.
Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World by Jack Weatherford
The historical narrative tells us about the rise and influence of Genghis Khan and his successors and their influence on European civilization. The revolutionary military strategies, attacks, use of such technologies as printing, the cannon, compass, and abacus, export of the goods. Interesting and easy-to-read books will interest every history student who wants to know more about Mongol tribal culture and the explosion of civilization caused by the Mongol Empire.
Sapiens – A Brief History of Humankind Literature Work by Noah Yuval Harari
Then, one of the most difficult pieces of literature. This book describes human history from different perspectives. The scientific, cognitive, and agricultural factors have a great impact on the development of mankind. It depicts human history starting from the Stone Age and up to the twenty-first century. Noah explains the way humans took their domination position on the earth and his book became one of the most difficult and discussable non-fiction works among students who often experience difficulties with writing, but there is a perfect option to buy literature review to better understand it. This book is a must-read for everyone who studies history, so feel free to read some inspirational materials.
Shadowplay: Behind the Lines and Under Fire; the Inside Story of Europe’s Last War by Tim Marshall
The history students should be aware of all geopolitics techniques and Tim Marshall gives a fascinating overview of the Kosovo War in 1990 with the personal experiences and impressions, eyewitness evidence, interviews with the government, and representatives of military forces. This book is introduced for readers in the form of writing with inside information that illustrates the amid controversial intervention and bombing by NATO.
Operation Mincemeat: The True Spy Story that Changed the Course of World War II by Ben Macintyre
Another book that involves not only historical facts that are in the free access for everyone, but also personal letters, photographs, memoirs, diaries, and internal materials from MI5 and Naval Intelligence is valuable reading for history students who want to go deeper into the times of World War II and make the research on Operation Mincemeat that was one of the turning points and changed the war flow. The story is based on real events and documents. The spy intrigues, conflicts, and war schemes are rendered in the Operation Mincemeat book and are of high importance for students that look for extra information about the World War II period and just want to deepen their knowledge of history.
Hitler by Ian Kershaw
Who doesn’t want to read the book about one of the key figures of the Second World War? It is a treasure trove of information for students who learn history. This biography tells about the Nazi leader, his life from childhood till the last days, his rule, the cult of Furer and the psychology behind their adulation of Hitler. Ian Kershaw received the Nobel Prize for the Hitler book that is considered one of the most famous masterpieces about the Hitler’s life.
Briefly, history explains to us how the people built the past societies, ideologies, religions, governments, cultures, and technologies. We can see what changed and how it changed as history is drawing the general picture of what was going on many years ago. Learning history stipulates the analysis of the evidence and presenting an interpretation. It allows us to figure out how our identity was formed and who we are.  A lot of situations we face today can be explained with history. Therefore, it is important to read literature that broadens your vision and gives you more knowledge about the history of civilization and helps to understand where we stand today.
Author’s Bio: Michael Turner is an article writer with a Ph.D. degree in History. He writes for historical journals and gives lectures for students in different colleges. In his free time, Michael loves to travel, participate in archeological expeditions, and learn new cultures.