TO THE PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS Head Quarters, New York, June 20, 1776

Head Quarters Morristown,May 8, 1777
SIR: I am now to acknowledge the receipt of your Favours of the 14th and 18th. instant, and the interesting resolves contained in them, with which I have been honored.

The several matters recommended to my attention, shall be particularly regarded, and the directions of Congress, and your requests complied with, in every instance, as far as is in my power.

The Institution of a War Office is certainly an Event of great importance, and in all probability will be recorded as such in the Historic Page. The benefits derived from it, I flatter myself will be considerable tho' the plan, upon which it is first formed may not be entirely perfect. This like other great Works in its first Edition, may not be entirely free from Error. Time will discover its Defects and experience suggest the Remedy, and such further Improvements as may bc necessary; but it was right to give it a Beginning.

The Recommendation to the Convention of New York for restraining and punishing disaffected Persons, I am hopeful will be attended with salutary consequences, and the prohibition against exporting Provisions appears to have been a measure founded in sound Policy, lest proper supplies should be wanted wherewith to subsist our Armies.

I have transmitted General Schuyler, the resolves about the Indians, and the others on which he is to act, and have requested his strict attention and exertions in order to their being carried into Execution with all possible Dispatch.

I note your request respecting Mr. Hancock; he shall have such Directions as may be necessary for conducting his Office and I am happy he will have so early a remittance for paying the Troops in his Department.

The Silver and Paper Money designed for Canada will be highly serviceable, and I hope will be the means of reestablishing our Credit thcrc in some degree with the Canadians, and also encourage our Men, who have complained in this Instance; when it arrives, I will send it forward under a proper Guard.

I have communicated to General Gates the Resolve of Congress for him to repair to Canada, and directed him to view Point au Fere, that a Fortress may be erected if he shall judge it necessary; he is preparing for his command and in a few days will take his Departure for it: I would, fain hope his arrival there will give our Affairs, a complexion different from what they have worn for a long Thllc past, urld that many essential genefits will result from it.

The kind attention Congress have strewn to afford the Commander in Chief here every assistance, by resolving that recommendatory Letters be written to the conventions of New Jersey, New York and the Assembly of Connecticut, to Authorize him to call in the militias in cases of exigency, claims my thanliLul acknowledgments and I trust, if carried into execution, will produce many advantages, in case It may be expedient to call in early reinforcements; the delays Incident to the ordinary mode may frequently render their aid too late and prove exceedingly Injurious.

I this Evening received Intelligence of the 19th. instt. from Captn. Pond of the Armed Sloop Schuyler, of his having taken, about ~5o miles from this on the South side of Long Island, a Ship and a Sloop bound to Sandy Hook: The Ship from Glasgow with a Company of the 22d Regiment, had been taken before by one of C;ommodore Hopkins Fleet, who took the Soldiers out and ordered her to Rhode Island, after which she was retaken by the Cerberus and put under the convoy of the Sloop. As Captain Pond informs, there were five Commissioned Officers, Two Ladies and four Privates on board; they are not yet arrived at Head Quarters; inclosed is an Invoice of what they have on Board.

General Wooster having expressed an inclination and wish to wait on Congress, I have given him permission, not having any occasion for him here. he sets out this morning.

I have been up to view the grounds about Kings Bridge, and find them to admit of many Places well calculated for defence, and esteeming it a Pass of the utmost importance have ordered Works to be laid out and shall direct part of the two Battalions from Pennsylvania, to set about the erection immediately, and will add to their Numbers several of the Militia, when they come, in to expedite them with all possible Dispatch; their consequences, as they will keep open the Communication with the Country, requires the most speedy completion of them. I have the Honor to be &c..