Arnold a Traitor

In an act that has made his name synonymous with treason in American history, General Benedict Arnold conspired to turn his command of West Point over to the British. In return, he was to receive money and become a general in the British army. His treason was discovered when Major Andre, his British contact, was captured. Andre, seen here, was reluctantly hung as a spy.


General Arnolds career seemed to go into a nose dive after the victory at Saratoga. After his second marriage, he found himself in debt, and he harbored simmering resentment at not receiving the credit he felt he deserved for his military exploits.Thus when he was approached by the British, Arnold was receptive to abandoning the patriot cause. Arnold demanded 20,000 and a commission as a major general in the British army for giving up West Point.

Thus when he was approached by the British, Arnold was receptive to abandoning the patriot cause. Arnold demanded 20,000 and a commission as a major general in the British army for giving up West Point.

On September 21, British Major Andre came ashore in full uniform near Havestraw from the HM Vulture. There, he met Arnold to finalize the agreement. Unfortunately for them, the Vulture then came under American fire and headed away, leaving Andre stranded. Andre reluctantly donned civilian clothes and headed down the Hudson with a safe conduct pass from Arnold. Near Tarrytown, Andre was captured by three militiamen, who turned him over to the commander at North Castle. The jig was up. Andre was found carrying incriminating papers. When Arnold was notified at breakfast on April 23 that a British officer had been captured, he fled by boat to the Vulture. Andre was later hung as a spy.

Andre's Death Journal of Dr. James Thacher.
Major Andre is no more among the living. I have just witnessed his exit. More
Arnolds Plans
Intelligence Report of Andrew Elliot
A meeting with the French generals More
Robinson's House in the Highlands,
September 26, 1780 More