by Nadine Frank
With the perfect tapering smartphone in which it is evident how much we have focused on its beauty, we tend to forget what a curious past the human race traveled to the present day in terms of communication. From the ancient to the modern digital era, the ways people communicate with each other have undergone a metamorphosis. In this article we will introduce the development of communication methods from e.g. the first smoke signal to the modern technology that is used today.
Even in remote epochs, the people who had settled the world found it hard to overcome the problem of remote communication. Nevertheless, they came up with smart solutions that had led them to supersede the problem. For instance, smoke signals were used by indigenous people to convey messages. They could make the information reach a long distance by playing with colors and the density of smoke. Apart from Africa, drum communication systems were also in use in some other parts of the earth, those who used complex rhythms to send the messages that could be heard for miles.
The birth of reading represented a breakthrough in the history of Congress. Ancient communities such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, and Chinese have created advanced writing systems turning the written transmission of knowledge into the one that lasted throughout the generation. The production of papyrus in Egypt and paper in China further promoted the distribution of written communication.
As societies grew in scale and complexity, the demand for efficient communication systems was triggered. The first postal system signers came from the Easterners in the 6th century (BCE). The system which was then termed the Royal Road comprised relay stations that were used for quick delivery of the messages across the empire. Such a practice was adopted by other systems in other parts of the world and it became the foundation of modern postal services.
Johannes Gutenberg's invention of the printing press in the 15th century was a reorientation of the communication field. This innovation made it feasible to not only provide books and other print materials in large numbers but also earned the way for the majority to become literate. The development of a printing press was a major factor in the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution that led to the permanent alteration of the course of humanity.
The 19th century was the beginning of a new era in communication with the invention of the telegraph. One of Samuel Morse's accomplishments was the development of Morse code and the first working telegraphic line had sent the first instant messages in 1844. For the first time in history, short telegrams could now be transmitted from one continent to another in a matter of minutes instead of over several weeks or months as was the case in earlier times.
The telephone of 1876 showed the possibilities that not only the collaboration but also personal communication with the wireless networks could open up. Thus, the capability of listening to someone's voice when being separated by a sizable distance rendered personal as well as business contacts more appealing than ever. As the telephone network expanded it gradually become an integral part of everyday life which connected people from one city to another and eventually from one continent to another.
The early 20th century was the era of broadcasting media. Radio served as a means for news, entertainment, and information etc. through household equipment, while Television provided a visual dimension to mass communication. These pieces of technology influenced culture, politics, and society significantly leading to mass consumption of news and even internationally shared experiences.
It was during the latter part of the 20th century that marked the invention of the internet and the real digital age. At the onset, it was a military and academic networking that soon became a global string of entwined computers. The World Wide Web emerged for the general public in 1989, making the internet public, and then this is how the worldwide communication and connection became enabled over the internet.
The early 80s saw the start of the mobile phone era and our rapid journey to smartphones was a different epoch in communications. These devices are no less than tiny, powerful gadgets that allow people to call, text, access the internet, and install lots of applications. The revolutionary feature of smartphones is the possibility for billions of people on a global scale to immediately communicate with each other. Whether it’s to receive SMS online or just receiving a good old message, communication has come a long way.