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The Monroe Doctrine was meant to dissuade the Spanish from attempting to recapture any of their former colonies in South America. It stated: "The American continents are henceforth not to be considered the subjects for future colonization by any European powers."
1828 Tariff of Abominations
President Adams fully supported The Tariff of Abominations; designed to provide protection for New England manufacturers. The tariff was opposed, however, by supporters of Jackson. The Tariff of 1828, which included very high duties on raw materials, raised the average tariff to 45 percent. The Mid-Atlantic states were the biggest supporters of the new tariff. Southerners, on the other hand, who imported all of their industrial products, strongly opposed this tariff. They named the tariff "The Black Tariff" or "Tariff of Abominations." They blamed this tariff for their worsening economic conditions.
More on the Tariff