Casualties in US Wars

AS of May 2018

Total Serving Battle Deaths Other Deaths Total Deaths Wounded Pct Killed
Revolutionary War 4,435 4,435 6,188 0
War of 1812 286,730 2,260 2,260 4,505 0.79%
Mexican War 78,718 1,733 11,550 13,283 4,152 16.87%
Civil War 2,213,363 140,414 224,097 364,511 281,881 16.47%
Spanish American 306,760 385 2,061 2,446 1,662 0.80%
World War I 4,734,991 53,202 63,114 116,316 204,002 2.46%
World War II 16,112,566 291,557 113,842 405,399 670,846 2.52%
Korean War 5,720,000 33,746 3,249 36,995 103,284 0.65%
Vietnam War 8,744,000 47,355 10,796 58,151 153,303 0.67%
Desert Storm 2,225,000 147 235 382 467 0.02%
Enduring Freedom 1833 383 2.286 20,050 0
Iraqi Freedom 3481 930 4,411 31,958 0
Totals 580,231 430,410 1,010,954 1,488,494