The Boxer Rebellion Ends


On September 7th 1901, a formal agreement was signed ending both the Boxer Rebellion and foreign intervention. Under the terms of the agreement, the Chinese were forced to destroy their forts at Taku. Foreign troops were given the task of insuring free passage to and from Peking and China was forced to pay an indemnity of 330 million dollars.

In response to an anti-foreign rebellion, the Boxer Rebellion during which missionaries and foreign legations all the significant powers sent soldiers to put down the rebels. Japanese, Russian, British, French, German, Italian, Austrian and American troops took part in an expedition to put down the rebels. The allies had a difficult time at first, but eventually the foreign forces prevailed and captured Peking on August 14, 1901, and other large cities. Along the way the foreigners executed thousands of Chinese, anyone suspected of any ties to the Boxers were executed.

The Chinese government agreed to surrender and sign the Boxer Protocol on September 7, 1901. Under the terms of the agreement. The ten top officials who were considered responsible for the rebellion were to be executed. In addition, the Chinese government was to pay reparations of 450,000,000 taels of fine silver over a period of 39 years. The US used its share of the reparations to pay for scholarships for Chinese students to study in the United States. The Chinese government also agreed to educational reforms. It also agreed to the long-term stationing of foreign forces in China.