



Basic Information


Population 2020:1,304,379
Median Age:32.7

87.95% of the populution has a HS or higher education
There are 524,498 housing units in the city
23.9% of the residents were born abroad

Median Household Income:$54,754

18.1% of the Residents Live below the poverty line

Total Area 340.42 Sq Miles

42,501 of the city residents are veterans



Visiting Dallas

Railroad Station

DD-199 USS Dallas



History of Dallas

Dallas was founded in November 1841 by John Neely Bryan. On February 2, 1856, it was granted a town charter. In 1873 railroads reached Dallas. The railroad connected the town from the North and the East and West. As a result, the town grew rapidly within one year, growing from 2,000 inhabitants to 7,000. Dallas rapidly became a center of trade and commerce for the State of Texas. In 1890 it annexed East Dallas, which was larger in area than the original town of Dallas. The town soon became a significant center of industry as well.

In 1911 the Federal Reserve opened a Branch in Dallas. During World War, I Love Field was opened as a training base for army pilots. In 1927 the City of Dallas purchased the airfield and turned it into a municipal airport.

In. 1930, oil was found 100 miles east of Dallas. Dallas soon became the financial center of the oil boom that soon engulfed the area. In 1936 the Texas Centennial Exposition took place.

Texas Instrument was located in Dallas, and an integrated circuit was developed there. Dallas will forever be known as the location of the assassination of President Kennedy in November 1963. He was declared dead at Parkland Memorial Hospital. Between 1975 and 1985, Dallas underwent a real estate boom

In the 21st century, Dallas continued to grow and became one of the most dynamic cities in the United States.

Some Dallas Business Leaders

Mark Cuban
Matthew Fleeger
Herbert D. Kelleher
Elaine Agather
Ross Perot Jr. •
Alyson Brown