quartering act

The British further angered the Colonist in 1765 by passing the Quartering Act. The act forced the colonies to provide housing for British troops stationed in North America. The Americans resented and refused to enfoce the act.

With the end of the French and Indian War, the British decided to maintain a larger troop deployment in North America. The problem was the cost. One of the solutions to keep down that cost was to expect the colonies to provide quarters for the soldiers. As a result, the "Quartering Act", directed the colonies to construct sufficient barracks for the troops. It further stated that if there was not sufficient space for the solidiers in the barracks, then local inn keepers would have to put up soldiers and provide them with their basic needs. The act further stated also that soldiers would be put up in unused barns, outhouses and empty houses. The colonists objected to the Quartering Act for a number of reasons. First and foremost was the cost. Creating barracks and putting up the troops was an expensive measure that the colonies were loathe to undertake. Second, the Quartering Act was indicative of a policy Americans did not support; having a large standing army in the colonies. The colonists preferred having strong militia to deal with problems and not have a large army present. The strongest opponents of the Quartering Act came from New York. In early 1766, the New York Assembly refused to pay for the amount requested by the British Army to create barracks for their soldiers. A protracted dispute developed and in October. The New York assembly was suspended until it agreed to pay for the creation of barracks of the British soldiers. The Quartering Act was eventually repealed. However, while in force, it created a great deal of resentment from the colonists.