Main Events Between 1820-1850


1820 Missouri Compromise 1839 Amistad Slave Rebellion
1820 Monroe Re-elected 1840 Presidential Election
1821 Liberia Colony Started 1841 Harrison Dies In Office
1822 Vessey Slave Uprising 1842 Webster-Ash dburton Treaty
1823 Monroe Doctrine
1824 Election Of 1824 1843 Oregon Trail Opened
1824 Election Goes To House 1843 Sojourner's Truth On Tour
1825 Erie Canal Opened 1844 Treaty Of Wanghia
1826 Panama Congress 1844 Inter-City Telegraph
1828 Tariff Of Abominations 1844 Presidential Election
1828 Election Of 1828 1845 Texas Annexed
1828 Inuaguration of Jackson 1846 Oregon Treaty
1829 Walker's Appeal 1846 Mexican War
1829 Jackson and Internal Improvement 1846 Independent Treasury
1829 B & O Railroad Begun  
1829 The Spoils System  
1829 Webster- "Liberty, Union, Now & Forever" 1847 Mormons Settle On Great Lake
1830 Indian Removal Act 1848 Treaty Of Guadalupe Hidalgo
1831 Garrison Publishes "The Liberator" 1848 First Nat'l Women's Convention Held
1831 Dewitt Clinton, First Train To New York 1848 Presidential Election
1832 Black Hawk War 1849 Gold Discovered In California
1832 Election Of 1832 1850 Compromise Of 1850
1833 Carolina Nullification Crisis 1850 Fugitive Slave Act
1834 McCormick Grain Reaper 1850 California Gains Statehood
1835 War With Seminoles 1851 Blood Spilled
1835 Jackson vs. The Bank Of The United States 1851 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Reaches Great Lakes
1835 Assassination Attempt Against Jackson 1852 Uncle Tom's Cabin
1836 Texas Independent 1852 Presidential Election
1836 Presidential Election 1853 Perry Mission To Japan
1837 Panic of 1837 1853 Gadsden Purchase
1837 Caroline Affair 1854 Fugitive Slave Returned
1837 Small Pox Plague Indians? 15,000 Die 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act
1837 Lovejoy Killed Defending Press 1855 Ostend Manifesto
1838 Underground Railroad
1838 Aroostook War
1838 Oberlin Admits Women