1995-Contin ued
30 June
The 36-year-old
became the
oldest ship in the Navy's active fleet and the first car-
rier in history to hold that distinction. Captain David P.
Polatty III was presented the "Don't Tread on Me"
Navy Jack in a formal ceremony on 1 July. The flag
was received from
Mauna Kea
(AE 22) following her
decommissioning ceremony.
14 July
An F-14D Tomcat from NAWCAD Patuxent
River, Md., flew for the first time using a new Digital
Flight Control System designed to protect aviators
against unrecoverable "flat spins" and carrier landing
19 August
The winter fly-in to McMurdo Station,
Antarctica, began with LC-130 Hercules aircraft of
VXE-6 delivering supplies and support personnel.
They would construct the ice runway in preparation
for the 1995-1996 season's surge of scientists and sup-
port workers. This would be the 40th season for
Operation Deep Freeze.
30 August
F/A-18 Hornets, F-14 Tomcats, S-3
Vikings and ES-3A Shadows under the guidance of EA-
6B Prowlers and E-2 Hawkeyes from
led the initial attacks on Bosnian Serb mili-
tary targets in Bosnia during Operation Deliberate
Force. The air strikes, approved by both NATO and
the UN, targeted air defense missile sites, radar sites
and communication facilities.
1-3 September
Traveling on board
Carl Vinson,
President William Clinton and the First Lady attended
the 50th anniversary commemoration of the end of
World War II in Hawaii.
9-30 September
and embarked CVW-l
conducted strike and flight operations in the Adriatic
Sea in support of Operation Deliberate Force.
1 October
VAW-77 "Night Wolf' was established at
NAS Atlanta, Ga., and would work in tandem with the
Coast Guard and other federal law enforcement agen-
cies to combine and coordinate operations of the na-
tion's counternarcotics forces.
1 October
The Naval Aviation Supply Office,
Philadelphia, Pa., was disestablished. The Naval
Inventory Control Point (NAVICP), Philadel-
phia/Mechanicsburg, Pa., was established in its place.
The new command took over both the functions of
ASO and the Ships Parts Control Center at
Mechanicsburg, which was also disestablished. NAV-
ICP Philadelphia would be commanded by a Deputy
Philadelphia/Mechanicsburg who would report to
Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command. The
Aviation Supply Office was established on 1 October
1941 to provide centralized control of all aeronautical
materials regularly maintained in general stock.
29 November
The F/ A-18E Super Hornet made its
first flight from St. Louis' Lambert International
Airport, Mo.
The F/A-l8E on
its maiden flight.
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