1994-Contin ued
3 March
u ARG joined the
ARG off the
coast of Somalia to support the withdrawal of U.S.
troops from Somalia.
3 March
The last A-6E
to receive a compos-
ite wing at Naval Aviation Depot, Norfolk, Va., marked
the end of the A-6 Composite Rewing Program. The
Navy had begun the program in 1990 to replace the
metal wings normally used on the aircraft as they
reached the end of their fatigue life.
7 March
Sixty-three women received orders to
Dwight D. Eisenhower-the
first combat ship to have
women permanently assigned.
17 March
The X-31 Enhanced Fighter Maneuver-abil-
ity aircraft flew at Mach 1.2 using thrust vectoring
vanes instead of its tail surfaces for control. This flight
was a significant "first" in aviation history.
19 March
A T-45 Goshawk, the first U.S. Navy train-
ing jet equipped with a digital cockpit (Cockpit-21),
was flown by an experimental test pilot in an inaugu-
ral flight from McDonnell Douglas facilities in St.
Louis, Mo.
24 March
The last American military transport ship
to depart Somalia, Training Ship
Empire State,
Modgadishu while
AGR remained off the coast
in support of UN operations in Somalia.
31 March
The popular name Peregrine was assigned
to the BQM-145A medium-range unmanned aerial
1 April
The first operational flight of the Airborne
Multisensor Pod System took place at Naval Air
Warfare Center Weapons Division, Point Mugu, Calif.
28 April
A Saratoga-based F/ A-18 Hornet crashed in
the Adriatic Sea during takeoff from the carrier, killing
the pilot. The death was the first among the NATO al-
lies conducting air operations in support of Bosnia.
29 April
The U.S. Navy Penguin (AGM-119B) missile
MK-2 Mod 7 reached initial operational capability
(IOC) and was launched for the first time by a fleet
unit on 25 June when an SH-60B from
966) fired an operational missile. Penguin is a short-
range, inertially guided antiship missile system. HSL-51
Det 6 accomplished the firing at the Pacific Missile
Range Facility off the coast of Hawaii as part of RIM-
PAC 94 exercises.
2 May
Two F-14B Tomcats from VF-I03 aboard
delivered three GB U-16 (Paveway II) laser-
guided bombs to direct hits at Capo Frasca Target
Complex, Sardinia, Italy. This was the first time the F-
14 had accomplished this feat.
5 May
The House Armed Services Committee ap-
proved $3.65 billion for the then-unnamed aircraft car-
rier CVN 76 and advance procurement for the large-
deck amphibious ship LHD 7 as part of its $263.3
billion defense budget for 1995. CVN 76 will become
the Navy's twelfth aircraft carrier supported by the
Department of Defense's Bottom-Up Review.
16-17 May
Russian pilots tested nine F/A-18 Navy
fighter jets at Patuxent River, Md., while U.S. Navy
pilots sat in the back seat.
5-6 June
George Washington
hosted the nation's
top leaders, including President William Clinton and
First Lady Hilary Rodham Clinton, on the occasion of
the 50th anniversary of D-Day.
George Washington
was first off the coast of Portsmouth, England, and
then at sea off the invasion beaches of Omaha and
Utah and nearby Pointe du Hoc, where Americans
landed on D-Day.
28 June
The Georgia-built P-3C Orion rolled out of
the assembly hangar at Lockheed Aeronautical Systems
Company in Marietta marking the "official" return to
production of the maritime patrol aircraft. The aircraft
were for the Republic of Korea.
1 July
A ceremony marked the closing of NAS
Moffett Field, Calif. The air station was commissioned
originally as NAS Sunnyvale in 1933. It was the home
port of the Navy's dirigible
(ZRS-5). After
went down in a storm off Point Sur in 1935, the
Navy transferred NAS Sunnyvale to the U.S. Army. The
station reverted to the Navy in 1942 and was redesig-
nated NAS Moffett Field, in honor of Rear Admiral W.
A. Moffett, who was killed in the crash of the dirigible
(ZRS-4) in 1933.
1 July
The schedule for the Joint Primary Aircraft
Training System (JPATS) flight evaluation at Wright-
Patterson AFB, Ohio, was established. Aircraft from
various manufacturers would be evaluated from 24 July
through 8 October. JPATS would replace the T-34C and
T-37B with a common training system, including air-
craft academics and simulators.
6 July
Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) de-
parted Norfolk, Va., en route to the Caribbean waters
off the coast of Haiti. The four-ship ARG would aug-
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