1992-Contin ued
Center, Indianapolis, Ind.; and the Naval Air Test
Center, Patuxent River, Md. The operating site at
Warminster was eventually to be consolidated at
Patuxent River, Md.
2 January
Flight Test and Engineering Group
(FTEG) was established under NAWC AD. The Naval
Air Test Center (NATC) Patuxent River, Md., was dises-
tablished the same day. The old NATC directorates be-
came directorates under FTEG. Captain Robert
Parkinson, former NATC deputy commander, became
the director of FTEG.
9 January
The Department of Defense announced its
acceptance of an offer from the government of Saudi
Arabia to award its Kuwait Liberation Medal to mem-
bers of the U.S. armed forces who directly participated
in Operation Desert Storm. The award had been estab-
- -.
lished by King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia to
honor the outstanding performance of coalition forces
in their historic liberation of Kuwait last year.
13 January
In a memorandum, Secretary of the
Navy (SECNAV) directed the Navy and Marine Corps
to integrate VMFA and VMAQ squadrons into Navy
CVWs, in order to reduce the requirements for F-14s,
F/ A-18s, and EA-6Bs. Historically, Marine tactical
squadrons had operated frequently as part of carrier
air wings, but rarely had this concept been institution-
alized in any permanent form.
18 January
VMFA-112 at NAS Dallas, Tex., the last
operational squadron to fly the F-4 Phantom II, held a
retirement ceremony for its last F-4. The last opera-
tional flight was made by Colonel John Brennan of the
VMFA-112 on 10 January. The first flight of the Navy's
Phantom II, the F4H -1, had taken place on 27 May
I' ,
An F-l4 Tomcat flies over
liberated Kuwait.
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