20 August
(FF 1090) became the first
ship to have installed a production version of the
Harpoon Command and Launch Missile System.
21 August
A Navy task force headed by
made a show of force off the coast of Korea in
response to an unprovoked attack on two U.S. Army
officers who were killed by North Korean guards on
18 August.
response was in support of a U.S.
demonstration of military concern vis-a-vis North
29 August
The Navy's last S-2 Tracker aircraft, oper-
ating with VS-37, was withdrawn from active service.
Many of the pilots who flew the Tracker credit it with
being the Navy's most versatile airplane of its era. The
S-2 entered service with VS-26 in February 1954 and
provided the Navy with 22 years of active service.
15 September
Test flights began on the east coast
air combat maneuvering range (ACMR) under con-
struction off the coast of Cape Hatteras, N.C. This fol-
low-on system to the Navy ACMR at Yuma, Ariz.,
would provide air combat training for East Coast
17 September
The new space shuttle program was
unveiled by NASA. Of the 28 astronauts in the space
program, 12 had either a Navy or Marine Corps avia-
tion background.
29 September
The Navy's Ship-Deployable,
Tactical, Airborne Remotely-Piloted Vehicle (RPV)
(STAR) achieved the first automatically closed-loop
recovery of an RPV into a net-encapsulated arresting
assembly. The test occurred at the National Parachute
Test Range, El Centro, Calif.
30 September
the last Essex-class attack
carrier, was decommissioned at San Francisco, Calif.,
and placed in the mothball fleet.
saw exten-
sive action in the Korean and Vietnam conflicts.
The first overseas operational commit-
ment on a carrier for the AV-8A aircraft began when
VMA-231, equipped with the AV-8A Harrier, embarked
Franklin D. Roosevelt
and departed for the
Mediterranean Sea for a Sixth Fleet deployment.
5 November
The latest model of the Sea Cobra heli-
copter, the AH -1 T, was turned over to the Marine
Corps from Bell Helicopter Textron for further testing.
The new version offered an improved payload of 4,392
pounds over the previous payload of 2,739 pounds.
13 November
The first at-sea firing tests of the SM-2
(extended range) guided missile from
28) were completed, using a modified Terrier fire con-
trol system to control the missile flight.
test capped a highly successful five-year program with
observers reporting excellent
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