23 March
en route from Subic Bay, R.P.,
as relief for
on station in the South China
Sea, loaded HMH-463 at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, for
transport to the southwest Pacific. The unit would sup-
port operations in case evacuations of American and
other nationals from areas of the Indochinese peninsu-
la became necessary. Meanwhile, North Vietnamese
forces continued their advance southward and were
poised to cut off the entire northern quarter of the
Republic of Vietnam some 300 miles north of Saigon.
1 April
Eugene Taylor "Smokey" Rhoads, Chief
Aviation Pilot, USN, died at the Veterans Hospital, San
Diego, Calif. Rhoads was a member of the flight crew
that made the first trans-Atlantic flight in May 1919 in
the NC-4.
12 April
Operation Eagle Pull was activated for
Cambodia. Twelve CH-53 Sea Stallions of HMH-462
evacuated 287 persons from Phnom Penh to
Among those evacuated were U.S. Ambassador John
Gunther Dean and Cambodian President Saukhm
Khoy, as well as newspapermen and other foreign
Sai101:5 from Durham (LKA 114) lending a hand K-107587
nationals. Upon completion of the evacuation, heli-
copters of HMH-463 from
retrieved the ele-
ments of the 31st Marine Amphibious Unit which had
established the perimeter from which the evacuees
had been rescued.
13 April
The Naval Aviation Museum was dedicated
at Pensacola, Fla. All funds for construction of the
68,000-square-foot structure had been donated private-
ly. The building was presented to the Navy by the
Naval Aviation Museum Foundation, Inc. It replaced
the small temporary museum set up in 1962. Among
the 72 vintage aircraft at the museum, a feature attrac-
tion was the original NC-4, the first airplane to fly the
Atlantic Ocean. Plans, and an ongoing drive for pri-
vately donated funds, called for continued expansion
of the new museum through three more stages to
eventually reach 260,000 square feet of floor space.
19 April
Midway, Coral Sea, Hancock, Enterprise
responded to possible evacuation con-
tingencies by deploying to waters off Vietnam as
North Vietnam overran two-thirds of South Vietnam
and pronounced the carriers' presence a brazen chal-
lenge and a violation of the 1973 Paris Peace Accords.
Sailor from Durham (LKA 114)
cares for two Vietnamese children
separated ti-om their mother dur-
ing the evacuation K-I07619
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