Fire spreads
napalm dropped by Marine fighter f7ying
support dUljng Peleliu invasion USMC 97976
1 September
Project Bumblebee (as it was later
known) came into being as the Bureau of Ordnance
reported that a group of scientists from Section T of
the Office of Scientific Research and Development
were investigating the practicability of developing a
jet-propelled, guided, anti-aircraft weapon. Upon com-
pletion of the preliminary investigation, a develop-
mental program was approved in December by the
Chief of Naval Operations. In order to concentrate
upon the guided missile phase of the anti-aircraft
problem, the OSRD and Applied Physics Laboratory of
Johns Hopkins University, completed withdrawal, also
in December, from the proximity fuze program which
thus came completely under the Bureau of Ordnance.
3 September
Lieutenant Ralph Spaulding of Special
Air Unit, Fleet Air Wing 7, flew a torpex-laden drone
Liberator from an airfield at Feresfield, England, set
radio control and parachuted to ground. Ensign James
M. Simpson, controlling the Liberator's flight from a PV,
sought to hit submarine pens on Helgoland Island; how-
ever, he lost view of the plane in a rain shower during
the final alignment and relying only upon the drone's
television picture of the terrain hit the barracks and
industrial area of an airfield on nearby Dune Island.
3 September
Fourth Wake Raid-A strike group of
one carrier, with cruisers and destroyers, hit enemy
positions on Wake.
6 September
contract was awarded to McDonnell
Aircraft Corporation for development of the Gargoyle,
or LBD-I, a radio controlled low-wing gliding bomb
fitted with a rocket booster and designed for launch-
ing from carrier-based dive-bombers and torpedo
planes against enemy ships.
6 September
As the scope of the aviation safety
program was enlarged, a Flight Safety Section was
established in the Office of the Deputy Chief of Naval
Operations (Air), and was assigned the direction and
supervision of the aviation safety program.
9 September
Fleet Air Wing 17 moved forward to
the Schouten Islands to direct patrol plane operations
supporting the occupation of Morotai by Southwest
Pacific Forces.
11 September
Commander, Fleet Air Wing 1, based
transferred from Espiritu Santo in the
South Pacific to Guam to direct the operations of
patrol squadrons in the Central Pacific.
18 September
The Pelican guided missile produc-
tion program was terminated and the project returned
to a developmental status. Despite reasonable success
during the preceding six weeks, this decision was
made because of tactical, logistic and technical prob-
lems involved in its use.
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