1943-Contin ued
1 March
Air Transport Squadrons, West Coast, was
established at NAAS Oakland, Calif., with control over
all NATS squadrons west of the Mississippi except
those on the mainland to Honolulu, Hawaii, run.
1 March
A revision of the squadron designation
system changed Inshore Patrol Sq uadrons to
Scouting Squadrons (VS), Escort Fighting Squadrons
(VGF) to Fighting Squadrons (VF), Escort Scouting
Squadrons (VGS) to Composite Squadrons (VC) and
Patrol Squadrons (VP) operating land type aircraft to
Bombing Squadrons (VB). This revision also redesig-
nated carrier Scouting Squadrons (VS) as VB and VC
and as a result the types of squadrons on
carriers was reduced to three. In spite of this
change, the aircraft complement of their Air Groups
remained at its previous level of 21 VF, 36 VSB and
18 VTB.
1 March
Fleet Airship Group 2, Captain Walter E.
Zimmerman commanding, was established at NAS
Richmond, Fla., and placed in charge of lighter-than-
air operations in the Gulf Sea Frontier.
4 March
Changes to the characteristics of
carriers were authorized by the Secretary of the Navy,
including installation of a Combat Information Center
(CIC) and Fighter Director Station, additional anti-air-
craft batteries, and a second flight deck catapult in lieu
of one athwartships on the hangar deck.
5 March
with VC-9 on board, joined Task
Group 24.4 at Argentia, Newfoundland, and began the
escort of convoys to mid-ocean and return. Although
had previously operated on hunter-killer duty,
was the center of the first of the hunter-killer
groups assigned to convoy escort.
15 March
Fleet Air Wing 4 headquarters moved
westward on the Aleutian chain from Kodiak to Adak,
20 March
Forty-two Navy and Marine Corps
Avengers, on a night flight from Henderson Field,
mined Kahili Harbor, Bougainville. A coordinated
attack on Kahili airfield by AAF heavy bombers con-
tributed to the success of this, the first aerial mining
mission in the South Pacific.
23 March
The Training Task Force Command was
established with headquarters at NAS Clinton, Okla., to
form, outfit and train special units for the operational
employment of assault drone aircraft.
Rocket weapons, being installed on
plane 468849
29 March
Tests of forward firing rockets projectiles
from naval aircraft were completed at the Naval Proving
Ground, Dahlgren, Va., using an SB2A-4 aircraft.
29 March
Air Transport Squadrons, Atlantic, was com-
missioned at Norfolk, Va., to supervise and direct opera-
tions of NATS squadrons based on the Atlantic seaboard.
1 April
Aircraft Antisubmarine Development
Detachment, Commander Aurelius B. Vosseller in com-
mand, was established at NAS Quonset Point, R.1.,
under Air Force, Atlantic Fleet, to develop tactical train-
ing programs and techniques that would make full use
of newly developed countermeasures equipment.
1 April
The first Navy night fighter squadron, VF(N)-
75, was established at Quonset Point, R.1., Commander
William J. Widhelm, commanding.
4 April
The Naval Aircraft Factory reported that, in
tests of an automatic flying device for use on towed
gliders, the LNT-l had been towed automatically with-
out assistance from the safety pilot.
14 April
Fleet Air Wing 16 transferred from Norfolk,
Va., to Natal, Brazil, to direct patrol plane antisubma-
rine operations under the Fourth Fleet in the South
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