1942-Contin ued
with B-25
bombel:' on
enroute to
point for
the first
Tokyo raid,
18 April
on Tokyo-From
a position at sea 668
miles from Tokyo, the carrier
launched 16 B-
25s of the 17th AAF Air Group led by Lieutenant
Colonel Jimmy H. Doolittle, USA, for the first attack on
the Japanese homeland.
sortied from Alameda,
Calif., 2 April, made rendezvous with
and other
ships of Task Force 16 (Vice Admiral William F. Halsey)
north of the Hawaiian Islands, and proceeded across the
Pacific to the launching point without making port.
18 April
A Night Fighter Development Unit was
established to be located at NAS Quonset Point, R.I.
This unit, originally named Project Argus was renamed
Project Affirm to avoid confusion with the electronic
element (Argus Unit) of an advanced base. Project
Affirm's official purpose was development and test of
night fighter equipment for Navy and Marine Corps
aircraft; in addition it developed tactics and trained
officers and men for early night fighter squadrons and
as night fighter directors.
19 April
Two tests of the feasibility of utilizing
drone aircraft as guided missiles were conducted in
Chesapeake Bay. In one, Utility Squadron VJ-5, utiliz-
ing visual direction, crash-dived a BG-l drone into the
water beyond its target, the wreck of
San Marcos
a live bomb exploder in the drone failed to detonate.
The second and more successful test was conducted
by Project Fox from CAA intermediate field, Lively,
Va., using a BG-2 drone equipped with a television
camera to provide a view of the target. Flying in a
control plane 11 miles distant, Lieutenant Moulton B.
Taylor directed the drone's crash-dive into a raft being
towed at a speed of eight knots.
20 April
on special ferry duty out of Glasgow,
Scotland, entered the Mediterranean and launched 47
RAF Spitfires to Malta. When the operation was dupli-
cated on 9 May, it was the occasion for Winston
Churchill's message, "Who says a Wasp cannot sting
24 April
A new specification for color of naval air-
craft went into effect. The color of service aircraft
remained non-specular light gray with non-specular
blue-gray on surfaces visible from above. Advanced
trainers were to be finished in glossy aircraft gray with
glossy orange yellow on wing and aileron surfaces vis-
ible from above while primary trainers were to be fin-
ished glossy orange-yellow with gray landing gear.
30 April
The Air Operational Training Command was
established with headquarters at Jacksonville, Fla. Four
days later the Naval Air Stations at Jacksonville, Miami,
Fla., Key West, Fla, and Banana River, Fla., and their
satellite fields were assigned to the new command.
4-8 May
Battle of Coral Sea-In the first naval
engagement in history fought without opposing ships
making contact, United States carrier forces stopped a
Japanese attempt to land at Port Moresby, Papua, New
Ginea, by turning back the covering carrier force. Task
Force 17 (Rear Admiral Frank 1. Fletcher) with the car-
bombed Japanese transports engaged in
landing troops in Tulagi Harbor, damaging several and
sinking one destroyer (4 May); joined other Allied
naval units including Task Force 11 (Rear Admiral
Aubrey W. Fitch) with the carrier
south of
the Louisiades (5 May); and after stationing an attack
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