1928-Contin ued
3-5 May
Lieutenants Arthur Gavin and Zeus Soucek,
in a PN-12 equipped with two Wright Cyclone engines,
set the world duration record for Class C seaplanes in a
flight of 36 hours 1 minute over Philadelphia, Pa.
11 May
An Act of Congress provided that duty per-
formed by officers assigned to airships which required
them to make regular and frequent aerial flights, could
be certified by the Secretary as service equivalent to
sea duty.
19 May
Major Charles A. Lutz, USMC, won the Curtiss
Marine Trophy Race at Anacostia, D.C., in an F6C-3,
making a speed of 157.6 mph over the 100-mile course.
25-26 May
Lieutenants Zeus Soucek and Lisle
Maxson, in a PN-12 powered by two Wright engines,
set world marks for Class C seaplanes with a 1,000-
kilogram useful load: speed over 2,000 kilometers at
80.288 mph; distance at 1,243.20 miles; and duration at
17 hours 55 minutes 13.6 seconds.
12 June
anchored in Lahaina Roads,
Hawaii, at the end of a speed run from San Pedro,
Calif., to Honolulu, Hawaii, that broke all existing
records for the distance with an elapsed time of 72
hours and 34 minutes.
26 June
Lieutenant Arthur Gavin, piloting a PN-12
powered with two Pratt & Whitney Hornet engines,
set a world altitude record of 15,426 feet at
Philadelphia, Pa., for Class C seaplanes with a payload
of 2,000 kilograms.
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Diamond Head, Lexington and Saratoga were con-
structed on battle cruiser hulls 416531
27 June
Lieutenant Arthur Gavin, in a PN-12 equipped
with two 525-hp Pratt & Whitney engines, made a
world record altitude flight of 19,593 feet at Philadel-
phia for Class C seaplanes with a useful load of 1,000
30 June
A contract was issued to the Martin
Company for development of the XT5M-1 "diving
bomber," which, in a later production version, became
the BM-1. This aircraft and the Naval Aircraft Factory's
similar XT2N-1 were the first dive bombers designed
to deliver a 1,000-pound bomb.
11-12 July
A PN-12, powered with two Pratt &
Whitney engines and piloted by Lieutenant Aldolphus
W. Gorton and Chief Boatswain Earl E. Reber, in a flight
out of Philadelphia, Pa., set five world records for Class
C seaplanes as follows: distance and speed for 2,000
kilometers with both 1,000- and 2,000-kilogram loads at
1,336 miles and 81.043 mph; and a duration mark of 16
hours, 39 minutes with a 2,000-kilogram load.
The XT2N-l heavy dive bomber built by NAF 462160
Air races were featured in the 1 920s. LT A. W Gorton in TR-l won
the 1922 Curtiss Marine Trophy Race 65098
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