Major Events in Israel and the Middle East
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By Marc SchulmanGo To Blog Version With RSS Feed

April 29, 2012- Diskin Calls Netanyahu Barak Messianic, Elections Probably in October
April 26, 2012- Israel's 64th birthday.
April 24, 2012-Yom HaZikaron in Israel
April 23, 2012-Egypt Cancels Gas Sale- Israelis Happy People
April 18, 2012-Netanyahu Speaks at Yom Hashoah Ceremony About Iran
April 15, 2012-Israel Turns Back Would be Demonstrators, Killing Continues in Syria, Egyptian Election Chaos
April 8, 2012-Roads Crowded on Passover, Is there a Reason For Optimism on Iran?
April 6, 2012- Passover Reflections,and The Dangers of the "Arab Spring"
April 1, 2012- Muslim Brotherhood Announce Candidate for Presidency of Egypt
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