A Daily Analysis
By Marc Schulman
June 6, 2007
Pines-Paz Support Barak/Hamas Splits
Ehud Barak received MK Ophir Pines-Paz's support today. The support was received after Barak announced that he would pull the Labor out of Olmert’s government when the second part of the Wingrad Commission's report is released. Pines-Paz clearly comes out the winner today as he requested nothing for himself and asked for a clear policy statement by Barak. Barak’s statement and Pines' support have created a serious problem for MK Ami Ayalon. He was caught by surprise, and his recent agreements with Minister of Defense Peretz, who wants to stay in the government, have tied his hands.
Prime Minister Olmert announced today that he is appointing a committee to take responsibility to begin to examine and to plan negotiations with Syria. He stated that he made it clear to the Syrians that we did not want war.
Meanwhile, Israeli Television Channel 10 reported tonight that Hamas in Gaza has broken apart. One side is made up of those supporting Meshal in Damascus, do not want compromises, and want to continue the Jihad. A second more pragmatic wing is calling for an end of the firing of Qasams and more importantly, calling on Hamas to agree to a pre-1967 Israel. The divisions have reached the point where some Hamas gun men are refusing to fire Qassams, and some are actually turning guns each other.
I strongly reccomment reading today article by Thomas Friedman in the New York Times called What a Mess. Nothing really new but he does sum up the mess well.
A poll was taken amongst Israelis on the effects of the Six Day War.
