A Daily Analysis
By Marc Schulman
April 5, 2009--The Slow Wheels of Israeli Justice Grind On
The slow wheels of Israeli justice continue to grind. The State Attorney General has decided to indict former Prime Minister Olmert on a third set of charges. This time, in what is being called “The Investment Center Affair”. This and the other two affairs (“Talansky” and “Rishon Tours”) which are expected to be rolled into one indictment. Olmert is, of course, no longer in office, however, the investigation of Avigdor Lieberman continues to move slowly towards what is expected to be a broad indictment. Observers expect it will take until September or October before Lieberman actually gets indicted. How absurd! Israel had to withstand an extra two years of Olmert’s leadership because the police and the Attorney General took so long to indict him. Now, Israel will have to endure four or five months of having an Foreign Minister who everyone knows will be indicted in the end. This comes, in addition to having a former Finance Minister now being investigated for bribery. Herzl, Weizmann, Ben Gurion… followed by these people?
One positive correction I must state. A few days ago I posted that Lieberman’s statement might cause an accelerated agreement between Fatah and Hamas. It turns out it has not had that effect. Fatah and Egypt have continued demanding Hamas accept the concept of a two state solution before they will agree to a coalition agreement (something that Hamas continues to reject.) In the meantime, Hamas has to deal with a profound sense of disappointment in Gaza over the failure of the Shalit deal. Hamas is showing a cartoon on their television where Hamas claims they have time, and eventually, all of Israel would become “Shalits”.
There is a very interesting book review in Ha’Aretz entitled: "Our Clash on Civilizations". The review, written by Moshe Negbi, reviews a book in Hebrew by Menachem Mautner, called “Law and Culture in Israel at the Start of the 21st Century”. I have not read the book yet, but the book review is fascinating and worth reading.
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