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UN Resolution 812

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3183rd meeting, on 12 March 1993

The Security Council,

Taking note of the request contained in the letter of the Charge d'affaires
a.i. of Rwanda dated 4 March 1993 (S/25363),

Also taking note of the letters of the Permanent Representative of Rwanda
(S/25355) and of the Permanent Representative of Uganda (S/25356) dated 22
February 1993 in which the Governments of both these countries called for the
deployment of United Nations observers along their common border,

Gravely concerned by the fighting in Rwanda and its consequences regarding
international peace and security,

Alarmed by the humanitarian consequences of the latest resumption of the
fighting in Rwanda, in particular the increasing number of refugees and
displaced persons, and by the threats to the civilian populations,

Stressing the need for a negotiated political solution, in the framework of
the agreements signed by the parties in Arusha, in order to put an end to the
conflict in Rwanda,

Paying tribute to the efforts of the Organization of African Unity (OAU),
in order to promote such a political solution,

Taking note of the statements by the Government of Rwanda and the Rwandese
Patriotic Front (RPF) (S/25363, annexes 2 and 3) by which the Rwandese armed
forces would remain in their current positions, the army of the RPF would pull
back to the positions it occupied before 7 February 1993 and the buffer zone
between the forces would be considered as a neutral demilitarized zone used to
monitor the implementation of the cease-fire by an international force,

Welcoming the joint communique issued in Dar-es-Salaam on 7 March 1993 by
the Government of Rwanda and the RPF, and concerning in particular the
modalities of the cease-fire which whould be effective on 9 March 1993 and on
the situation of displaced persons (S/25385);

Welcoming the decision of the Secretary-General to send a goodwill mission
to the region and having heard a first oral report on the mission,

Determined that the United Nations, in consultation with the OAU, and in
support of its ongoing efforts, should consider how a United Nations
contribution might assist the process towards a political settlement in Rwanda,
in particular by preventing the resumption of fighting and by monitoring the

1. Calls upon the Government of Rwanda and the RPF to respect the
cease-fire which took effect on 9 March 1993, to allow the delivery of
humanitarian supplies and the return of displaced persons, to fulfil the
obligations they have accepted in the agreements they have signed and to
implement the commitments they have undertaken in their above-mentioned
statements and joint communique;

2. Invites the Secretary-General to examine in consultation with the OAU
the contribution that the United Nations, in support of the OAU's efforts, could
bring to strengthen the peace process in Rwanda, in particular through the
possible establishment of an international force under the aegis of the OAU and
the United Nations, entrusted inter alia with the protection of, and
humanitarian assistance to, the civilian population and the support of the OAU
force for the monitoring of the cease-fire, and to report most urgently on the

3. Also invites the Secretary-General to examine the request by Rwanda
and Uganda for the deployment of observers at the border between these two

4. Expresses its readiness to examine without delay the recommendations
that the Secretary-General could submit in this regard;

5. Invites the Secretary-General to coordinate closely his efforts with
those of the OAU;

6. Calls upon the Government of Rwanda and the RPF to cooperate fully
with the efforts of the United Nations and the OAU;

7. Urges the Government of Rwanda and the RPF to resume the negotiations
on 15 March 1993 as agreed, in order to resolve the pending questions with a
view to signing a peace agreement at the beginning of April 1993 at the latest;

8. Urges both parties strictly to respect the rules of international
humanitarian law;

9. Urges all States to refrain from any action that could increase the
tension in Rwanda and jeopardize respect for the cease-fire;

10. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
